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Ever wonder how Beni is using AI to find the best deals for you? Learn more.

No matter how you shop, check Beni before you check out

Beni is free and easy to use. When you find something you like, simply click 'View' and you'll be taken to the relevant resale site to check out.


Find resale deals while you shop

Once you’ve added the Chrome Extension to your browser, shop normally and we’ll show you resale deals whenever they’re available.


Search the world of resale in one place

If you’re thinking secondhand first, use the search feature in the Beni App to see the best deals from 40+ resale sites.


Search while you sleep & never miss a deal

Resale moves fast and new items are added every day.  Set an alert so you don’t miss out.

We take privacy security seriously. Beni collects anonymized data only to build and improve your product experience, and only on supported merchant sites.

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The future of fashion is circular
